Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist and Disease specific Coach
HCPC registered and member of the British dietetic association (BDA)
Menopause is the time that marks the end of a person's menstrual cycle. While it's a natural part of the normal ageing process, menopause can be emotionally and physically challenging.
What is menopause?
Menopause happens when ovaries either run out of eggs or stop producing eggs, meaning periods come to an end. This affects hormone levels and often leads to a number of symptoms, both physical and mental. Many people will start to notice changes between the ages of 40 and 60, with the average age of menopause in the 51.
Perimenopause is the time leading up to menopause and can last up to four years. For the first few years, the menstrual cycle will typically become less regular, with some people suffering heavier periods than normal.
Menopause symptoms
When the ovaries stop producing eggs, they also stop producing oestrogen. This oestrogen reduction is what causes menopause symptoms such as hot flushes and changes in mood.
Perimenopause is the time when the majority of people will start noticing changes. This may include both mental and physical symptoms. Many will experience menopausal symptoms throughout all stages, with some finding it difficult to control the unpleasant side effects.
While some people going through menopause do not suffer adverse side effects, common symptoms include:
Sleep disturbance
The emotional and physical changes during this time can unfortunately result in a range of sleep disturbances including night sweats, difficulty falling asleep, insomnia and restlessness. Regular sleep disturbances can become debilitating, you may feel irritated and lack concentration.
Hot flushes
Menopause is known for causing hot flushes. A sudden sensation of heat in the face and chest can develop and may result in skin redness and perspiration. Usually, hot flushes will only last for a matter of minutes, but the intense heat can cause weakness and nausea.
Night sweats are hot flushes that occur during the night. Symptoms are similar to daytime flushes, although some women can experience excessive perspiration resulting in difficulty sleeping.
Vaginal dryness
An estimated one-third of people going through menopause will suffer vaginal dryness. Symptoms can include itchiness and discomfort, causing sex to become painful. These symptoms alongside the hormonal changes can lead to a reduced sex drive.
Low mood or anxiety
The combination of hormonal changes and physical symptoms can make those going through menopause more at risk of developing depression and anxiety. Your GP may recommend cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and/or medication to help with this.
Early menopause
While the symptoms of menopause can start between the ages of 45 and 55, some will experience menopause in their younger years. In addition to the typical menopause symptoms, those who are experiencing early menopause may have to cope with other physical and emotional worries.
If your mother or sister has experienced early menopause, or you have been trying to become pregnant for more than a year, you may have to visit your doctor for diagnosis. Your GP may request blood tests to measure your follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This is the hormone that causes your ovaries to produce oestrogen. If this production is slowing down, your levels of FSH will be high and may indicate early menopause.
Other causes of early menopause include:
autoimmune disease
radiotherapy around the pelvic area
oophorectomy and hysterectomy
medical conditions, such as Addison’s disease
Menopause diet (what to eat during menopause)
There are certain lifestyle changes you can make to ease menopause symptoms such as frequent exercise, light clothing and reduced caffeine and spicy food intake to help ease night sweats, and relaxation techniques like yoga to help improve mood fluctuations.
What we eat also has a huge effect on our overall health and is important to keep in mind during menopause. The changes that happen in the body at this time will result in your body needing certain nutrients more. The following food groups are important to include as part of a balanced diet.
These provide the energy and fuel the body needs to function. These energy levels need to remain high for menopausal people as hormonal changes can result in feelings of exhaustion. A balanced diet should include whole-grain cereals, wholemeal pasta and starchy vegetables (sweet potato) that are high in fibre and essential vitamins.
When you enter menopause, your body produces less oestrogen. This lack of oestrogen subsequently increases the risk of osteoporosis - a condition where the bones are more prone to breaking due to thinning and becoming weaker. During menopause, it’s important to keep calcium levels up in order to help protect against the condition.
Not only is calcium vital for bone health, but it can also help keep blood, muscles and nerves in working order. Good sources include dairy, canned fish, green leafy vegetables and tofu.
Omega-3 fatty acids
Healthy fats can help with symptoms like vaginal dryness and hot flushes. They are also anti-inflammatory and can help reduce the risk of both heart disease and type 2 diabetes. You’ll find omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish, avocados and nuts and seeds.
Phytoestrogen is a chemical that has a similar structure to oestrogen. Experts believe the chemical tricks the body into thinking it is producing more oestrogen than it really is.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D and calcium are vital for bone health. Vitamin D is especially important during menopause as the body needs it to absorb calcium. Most adults need 600 IU (international units) per day, while those older than 71 need 800 IU per day. During menopause onset, try and get some safe sun exposure to promote calcium absorption.